Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I've just decided this bulldog should be named after this blog.  He is all I painted last summer, I think I'll try harder this time.  - SKIM

Monday, May 25, 2009

BumbleStumps Will Never DIE!

Hey Fellow Bumblers-
I'm doing a six part series on marketing yourself that you might find handy--and over on THREADLESS Dave DiAngelis has a killer design up that needs your votes!

Keep Bumblestumps alive-- let us know what leads you have, what success you've had-- when you're having a bad day-- whatever-- just keep us in the know!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Congratulations Graduates!

Big day-- enjoy yourself-- take the weekend off and then get to work getting work! You can do it!
Best always