Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Woo hoo! Yah boi! Hooray!

This deserves to be reposted here on the Illo 4 Blog! Go get 'em Allison! Give the little lady a big round of applause-- besides posting work in progress let's also get some work success! Show us your published works!
Woo hoo! I'm proud of you Bammy.


Tuesday Morning said...

yayyy! I'm so happy for you, Allison!
I hope you feel better soon, too!

Allison Bamcat said...

Thank you so much.
Really. Thank you.

S.Kim said...

Allison, congratulations. You should get a ridiculously huge framed copy for your studio. Score!

Anonymous said...

Wheeeeeeee!!!!! That's so awesome! Congrats!